International Curriculum

Vasant Valley School is registered as a Cambridge International School offering Cambridge Upper Secondary i.e. IGCSE curriculum in Class 9 and Class 10, and Cambridge Advanced i.e. AS/A Levels in Class 11 and Class 12.

Why Cambridge IGCSE?

●      World’s most popular international qualification for 14 to 16 year olds.

●      Core of the IGCSE curriculum emphasizes a practical approach to learning based on inquiry.

●      Cambridge IGCSE develops learner knowledge, understanding and skills in:

o   Subject content

o   Applying knowledge and understanding to new as well as familiar situations

o   Intellectual enquiry

o   Flexibility and responsiveness to change

o   Working and communicating in English

o   Influencing outcomes

o   Cultural awareness.

●      Provides an ideal foundation for higher-level courses such as the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, 'A' Levels and the North American APT (Advanced Placement Test).

●      Has worldwide recognition and is equivalent to the Certificate of Secondary Education from Indian education boards, General Certificate of Secondary Education, and 'O' Level.

Why Cambridge IGCSE at Vasant Valley School?

●      The teaching-learning process in Vasant Valley School is synchronised to the methods followed by the Cambridge Board.

●      The essence of our pedagogy is ‘learning for understanding’ and reading beyond course books, which epitomises the IGCSE philosophy.

●      In the two-year IGCSE programme, students of Classes IX and X study a range of subjects on offer which gives students a more rounded education.

Assessment by Cambridge

Vasant Valley School opts for the March Series for all subjects with respect to the Cambridge IGCSE Board Examination which is conducted at the end of Class 10.

Cambridge Learner Attributes

The Cambridge curriculum and assessments are designed with the following Cambridge learner attributes in mind:

●      Confident in working with information and ideas - their own and those of others

●      Responsible for themselves, responsive to and respectful of others

●      Reflective as learners, developing their ability to learn

●      Innovative and equipped for new and future challenges

●      Engaged intellectually and socially, ready to make a difference

List of Cambridge IGCSE subjects offered at Vasant Valley School:

Students can study a maximum of 9 subjects in Classes 9 and 10 (2024-2026) as follows:

Mandatory First Language English (0500) and
Global Perspectives (0457)
Elective 1 Spanish (0530)/
Hindi (0549)/
French (0520)
Elective 2 Literature in English (0475)/
Chemistry (0620)
Elective 3 History (0470)/
Physics (0625)
Elective 4 Mathematics (0580)/
International Mathematics (0607)
Elective 5 Business Studies (0450)/
Elective 6 Art and Design (0400)/
Computer Science (0478)/
Information and Communication Technology (0417)
Elective 7 Environmental Management (0680)/
Biology (0610)

Cambridge ICE

The Cambridge ICE certificate is a group award designed for schools that want to offer a broad curriculum. Students enter and sit for a minimum of seven subjects selected from the five IGCSE curriculum areas:

●      Group 1 - Languages

●      Group 2 - Humanities

●      Group 3 - Sciences

●      Group 4 - Mathematics

●      Group 5 - Creative and Vocational

Cambridge ICE is awarded to students who pass in at least seven Cambridge IGCSE subjects, including two from Group 1 and one from each of Groups 2 to 5. The seventh subject may be chosen from any of the syllabus groups.

Students who qualify for the Cambridge ICE award will be placed in one of three categories:

●      Distinction - Grade A or better in five subjects and grade C or better in two subjects.

●      Merit - Grade C or better in five subjects and grade F or better in two subjects.

●      Pass - Grade G or better in seven subjects.

Cambridge AS and A Levels

●      Cambridge International A Level is typically a two-year course, and Cambridge International AS Level is typically one year.

●      Universities worldwide value and recognise Cambridge International AS & A Level qualifications since it develops learners’ knowledge, understanding and skills in:

o   in-depth subject content

o   independent thinking

o   applying knowledge and understanding to new as well as familiar situations

o   handling and evaluating different types of information source

o   thinking logically and presenting ordered and coherent arguments

o   making judgements, recommendations and decisions

o   presenting reasoned explanations, understanding implications and communicating them logically and clearly

Assessment by Cambridge

At Vasant Valley School, assessment options to gain Cambridge International AS & A Level qualifications are as follows:

1.     Take the Cambridge International AS Level only:
The syllabus content is half a Cambridge International A Level.

2.     Staged Assessment Route:

o   Students take the Cambridge International AS Level in one examination series* and complete the final Cambridge International A Level** in a subsequent series.

o   AS Level marks can be carried forward to a full A Level twice within a 13 month period

*The Advanced Subsidiary Level (AS Level) examinations are administered at the end of Class 11 (except for English Language 9093 AS Level) in the March Series or June Series (for subjects not offered in the March Series)
*The Advanced Level (A Level) examinations are administered at the end of Class 12 along with the English Language (9093) AS Levels in the March Series or June Series (for subjects not offered in the March Series).

List of Cambridge AS and A Levels subjects offered at Vasant Valley School:

Students can study a maximum of 5 subjects in Classes 11 and 12 (2024-2026) as below:

(AS Levels)
English Language (9093) (AS Level)
Elective 1
(AS and A Levels)
Physics (9702)/
Business (9609)/
History (9489)
Elective 2
(AS and A Levels)
Chemistry (9701)/
Psychology (9990)
Elective 3
(AS and A Levels)
Mathematics (9709)/
Sociology (9699)
Elective 4
(AS and A Levels)
Economics (9708)/
Biology (9700)/
Art and Design (9479)/
Computer Science (9618)


We are grateful to our alumni, Ishaan Gupta (Class of 2006), Medha Vira Gupta (Class of 2009) and Samvid Gupta (Class of 2010) for their generous support in creating the website.