The 8th Inter-House Drama Competition took place on Friday, 28th of April, 2023. Students across grades 6-12 with a passion for the art form exhausted every ounce of their energies into making sure that the competition was nothing short of a larger-than-life event. It gives me immense pride to think that the students were able to create an experience which every member of the Vasant Valley family is going to cherish for a long time to come.
The categories for this year were as follows:
1) Storytelling
2) Musical
3) Monologue
4) Stand-Up Comedy
Using this year’s theme ‘Jigsaw’ as a point of departure, the students went on to write and create original productions which spanned across ideas of love, respect, family, hope etc. Green House emerged victorious in this category followed closely by Yellow House and Red House.
The musical category which saw scenes from popular musicals was truly a game changer. The Vasant Valley stage had never witnessed live singing, acting and dancing in the same breath. The musical performances which spanned across songs from Beauty and the Beast, Hamilton and Encanto were mesmerising to say the least. The audiences were transfixed at how the students were able to negotiate the complex choreographies that blended with their pitch perfect vocals. The Vasant Valley singers and performers truly outclassed themselves in this category. Supported by strong performances from Avni Gandhi and Amaira Chawla, Yellow House won this category followed closely by Green House. The third position was shared by Blue House and Red House.
Strong individual performances in the monologue category allured the audiences to focus on every nuance of the performers with rapt attention. Ritwick Sapra’s monologue around the idea of religious fanaticism and the repercussions it entails was a masterclass on how on actor should attempt a monologue. Tight performances from Joshua and Vivaan Tulshan showed the audiences that they are going to be a force to reckon with in the near future.
Stand-Up Comedy
This category has always been a fan favourite. Aniruddh Vats crushed his competition by his immaculately well structured set and unparalleled timing. Ranveer Sandhar surprised everyone with his brilliantly funny set where he attempted to debunk a few stereotypes around Punjabis in India. Blue House won this category by a huge margin followed by Yellow House and Green House.
The school spirits were soaring high as cheers and tumultuous applause broke out when Yellow House earned a well-deserved win followed by Blue House and Green House.
Yellow 296
Blue 290
Green 289
Red 276