The Vasant Valley Speakers’ Forum was held on 16th of Feb. for grades 6-9 which included both competitive and non-competitive events. It was a platform for students to share their critical and imaginative perspective through a variety of interactions. The book discussions on the books”Wonder” and ” The Maze Runner” were enriching experiences for the children which was conducted through a series of rounds on plot, themes and characters. The kids let their imagination run wild through the Tall Tale Competition where they got an hour to write the tale and then read their story to an audience. A wide variety of opinions were shared through the Turn Coat Competition. The speakers were very enthusiastic and heard an array of conflicting views and strong opinions over the two rounds. The motions panned over various socio- political and economic subjects.
Tall tale
Manya Srikrishna (Springdales School, Daula Kuan)
Tishya Sekhar (Sri Ram School, Aravalli) and Advait Iyer ( Vasant Valley School)
Aryan Sadh (Vasant Valley School)
Riya Gehanu (Heritage School, Gurgaon)