90 students appeared for the class X CBSE Examination.
The school average is 87.30%
Percentage A1’s is 51%
30% of our students have scored above 95 – 100%
56% of our students have scored above 90 – 100%
23% of our students have scored between 80 – 89% range
12% of our students have scored between 70 – 79 % range
9% of our students have scored between 60 – 69 % range
1% of our students have scored between 50 – 59 % range
Vivaswat Rastogi and Sumaya Beri – highest aggregate scorers of the School with 99%.
Shreyasi Jindal, Kabir Chandiok, Darsh Puri & Shashwat Rastogi- second highest aggregate scrorers with 98%.
The following children have scored 100% in various subjects:
Science – Vivaswat Rastogi, Kabir Datta, Ritwick Sapra, Neel Mehta and Ritvick Sapra
Social Science – Twisha Jerath
Sanskrit – Shashwat Rastogi and Sumaya Beri
English – Darsh Puri
Standard Mathematics Vivasvat Rastogi, Shreyasi Jindal, Kabir Chandiok, Kabir Datta, Ruhan Kumar, Shashvat Rastogi, Siddharth C Sharma, Subhkarman S Sandhu and Jia Noor Singh Bhandal
• An A1 grade is awarded to students whose scores are in the top 12.5% of the scores in a particular subject.