84 students appeared for the class XII CBSE Examination.
The school average is 89.5 %
49% of our scores are A1*
35% of our students have secured above 95%
60% of our students have scored above 90%
Ananya Mehra and Arshya Gaur have highest average score of 98.75 % followed closely by Kavyini Garodia and Pranati Jain with 98.25%
The following children have scored 100% in various subjects:
Sociology– Ananya Mehra, Sanah Bedi
Psychology– Ananya Mehra, Pranati Jain, Ayzra Dang, Shiveka Bakshi, Anahita Kukreja, Sarah Eva Khosla, Sanah Bedi
Chemistry– Kavyini Garodia
Mathematics– Anshuman Singh
*An A1 grade is awarded to students whose scores are in the top 12.5% of the scores in a particular subject in the country