The English Show Case took place on Friday, the 12th of April. Students from classes 3-12 performed in front of a large audience which comprised parents eager to see the children act, sing, dance and recite.
The show started off with students from classes 6-8 showcasing presentations made by them as a part of their integrated English and Technology lessons, with students explaining the process and their learning through these lessons.
Classes 6-9 enacted 3 scenes from My Fair Lady based on George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion. Each scene in the play comprised students from a different class playing the main characters. The play was given a musical dimension by students of Classes 9 and 12, who performed dances to the song “Rain in Spain” and “Wouldn’t It Be Loverly?” as interludes between the scenes.
No performance that centres on English language is complete without the mention of Shakespeare, and hence, the play was followed by 3 students of Class 10 performing renditions of famous speeches of Antony, Shylock and Lady Macbeth from Shakespeare’s plays. With this, came the end of the performances by senior school, and it was now turn for junior school to take the stage.
Class 4’s innovative and entertaining ‘rap’ song “7 Traits of Writing” received a great reception from the audience, and set the bar very high for other performances to live up to. This was followed by the students of Class 3 performing a play, and Junior School Library Council members sharing their reading experiences, both of which kept the parents’ eyes glued to the stage.
The show came to an end with Class 5’s take on dinosaur parenting. “Dilly the dinosaur” was a mischievous dinosaur who constantly kept his parents on their feet…a situation which most people in the audience could relate to, and hence it was a perfect way to end the show.
All in all, the English show case was an apt way for students from different classes, along with their parents, to celebrate and appreciate English in a unique, dynamic and colourful way. While students and teachers enjoyed putting it together, it was particularly rewarding to see an enthusiastic audience appreciate the effort.