The team consisting of Ayushmaan Aashish Kher, Arshya Gaur, Jayaditya Bagrodia, Praneel Midha, Shiveka Bakshi, and Vir Jain, from grade 12, represented Vasant Valley School as well as India at the Hwa-Chong Asia Pacific Young Leaders Summit in Singapore. Guided by prominent figures on the global platform, such as Ms. Halimah Binte Yacob, the President of Singapore, the team focused on advancing the various United Nations Sustainable Development Goals through creative problem-solving and critical thinking when faced with a fictional global crisis that mirrors modern day issues. With delegates attending the summit from China, Japan, The United States of America, England, France, Finland, and a number of other countries, the team learnt about distinct cultures and developed a sense of camaraderie amongst students from across the world. As the event approached conclusion, Ayushmaan Aashish Kher was awarded the “Best Delegate” award, Praneel Midha was awarded the “Most Likely to Lead Global Change” award, Arshya Gaur was awarded the “Most Likely to Facilitate World Peace” award, Shiveka Bakshi was awarded the “Most Caring Leader” award, and both Praneel and Ayushmaan’s countries were awarded the “Best Country” and “The Most Creative Country” awards respectively.