Vivasvat Rastogi & Shashvat Rastogi of class 11 are the grand award winners of the IRIS (Initiative for Research & Innovation in STEM) National Fair 2023, and are selected to represent India at the Regeneron ISEF (International Science and Engineering Fair) 2023, the world’s largest international pre-college science competition, to be held in Texas, USA.
The IRIS National fair, India’s largest research-based science fair, is a program of EXSTEMPLAR Education Linkers Foundation, funded by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India (DST) and Broadcom foundation. This program promotes and nurtures science and scientific research among young Indian innovators. Vivasvat & Shashvat’s project was amongst the 95 research-based science projects across 21 subject categories received from 18 states of the country that were shortlisted. Their project was “Machine learning Augmented Histopathological Diagnosis of an Aggressive Variant of Liver Cancer”. They created a Convolutional Neural Network in Python using TensorFlow,and after experimenting with various architectures, developed a machine learning model. They also created a WebApp and Mobile App which uses the Machine learning (ML) model for real time detection.
The short-listed projects were further showcased at the annual IRIS National Fair held on 20-22 January, 2023 and were reviewed by eminent jury comprising of scientists and domain experts. 20 teams were declared the IRIS grand award winnerswho will represent our country as Team India at the Regeneron ISEF’23 in Texas, USA.