Weeks of built up excitement, made-to-measure arrangements and fingers ready to fiddle with art; all lead to Art Marathon 2018. The day started with students streaming in, their bag-packs overflowing with ideas. We were introduced to the various guests; all perfectionists in their areas of expertise, ready to give us a sneak-peek to the recipes of masterpieces.
We hustled our way to our venues, where, right when we seated ourselves we knew we were ready for an exhilarating couple of hours. Our events allowed us to interact with people who recognised with the same ‘bizarrely-experimental-whirlwind-of-idea’ mindsets. We connected like a jigsaw puzzle; brainstorming to create something beautiful. Striking conversations became unavoidable and the clock seemed to want to challenge the speed of light.
Looking up from our works, we tapped our feet to our self-made rhythms, drooled at the sight of goodies and gave our cameras a pat on the lens.
Art Marathon ended with a showcase of all of our hours of hard work, where each of us stared in awe at each other’s talents. We celebrated each other’s brain-works that had so neatly been delineated onto canvases, into dance movements and crafted into symphonies.
Whether it was a piece of music, a page of a comic book strip, or a freshly baked slice of cheesecake, they hid their own stories, of mayhem, mirth and magic. Every conversation, led us to learn more about ourselves, and about the things we like. Each of us went home with new scribbles in our art books, and newly learnt techniques waiting to be flaunted.
Katyayani Jha 9C