The much awaited Class 2 Night Stay began with great excitement on the 23rd of October. The children learnt and played some games like Kabaddi, Chain and Vish Amrit. They were thrilled to receive delicious chocolate medals of participation. With appetites built up children relished the snacks served in the classrooms. The highlight was the ice cream with a toppings of their choice. This was followed by some Art and craft work to make crowns and paint diyas. As the sun went down children took their bags to the ground floor and changed into their night clothes. The novelty of being in school at sundown and wearing their night clothes also got their creative juices flowing. They organised themselves into groups and put up some fun acts of their choice. Dances , plays and riddles had us entertained till it was time to shake a leg. Dinner was served at 8 pm after which Mrs Pant readout a delightful bedtime story. Finally it was time to crawl into bed. A little anxious but reassured by the idea of their friends and teachers, all together in the same room, it wasn’t long before everyone was asleep. The next morning at the crack of dawn everyone woke up to hot chocolate and some fun yoga poses. A wholesome breakfast awaited the children who then were ready with packed bags by 8.30 for dispersal. As many said, ‘ It was the best night of their life’.