I feel that the Voices session was really inspirational. People shared their stories about how they overcame obstacles in their life and encouraged us to overcome ours. Overall, I feel that this year’s voices session has taught me not to differentiate between people with disabilities and the others.
Rehaan Singhi, 9
“Which speakers are coming?” “What do you think they’ll talk about?” Questions like these buzzed on our phones as the virtual Voices approached. One fine day, the Voices volunteers entered our classrooms to give us various cognitive tests, leaving us confused, until they explained the theme for Voices 2020, making us even more eager for what was coming our way. This year’s event was an eye opener, and helped us understand the multitude of challenges and hardships differently abled individuals face on the path to social inclusion. Though we missed being on the beige and maroon steps, exchanging our thoughts through whispers with friends, we left today’s event with a fresh, more empathetic outlook towards life, and a newfound gratitude for the privileges we have.
Advaita Sehgal, 10
Despite being on an online platform this year, Voices 2020 was as impactful as it had been in previous years. Listening to the adversity the various speakers had gone through and their achievements inspite of those challenges was inspirational to hear. I also feel that the interactive session was a great addition to the event and a good way to get the audience involved.
Prithvi Mehta, 11
I truly believe that Voices 2020 was one of the most impactful events I’ve attended. Not only did we listen to various speakers about their challenges, but we went on to discuss sensitisation with peers as well as professionals. Such educational experiences are rare, and I can proudly say that I learned many valuable lessons.
Naira Chopra, 12